Saturday, May 09, 2009

in a flash.

(to be read in order, beginning two posts down ' since we're here anyway'.

it was good while it lasted.

now that I'm 13 days closer to a 2500 words essay deadline,
zero resources, surface level knowledge of the development issue,
a late desperate email to my lecturer,
an econometrics assignment due next thursday,
on lectures where my eyes glazed over and vision blurred,
a microeconomics assignment the week after,
again, this time on lectures on where I wasn't even there for!

am i screwed?

i am hyperventilating.

Oh God help!

c'mon jenny, you can do this!

p.s. thanks for the pep talk lync : )

1 comment:

yvonne said...

i boil ginseng soup.
mum packed canadian ginseng.....