Friday, May 22, 2009


its 3, on most nights, i'll be fast asleep.

right now, i'm not the least bit tired.
what is wrong with me?

at this hour, the floodgates of ideas, the filters fail to function.

i enjoy this degree of anoymity i have.
the circle of friends i have here in melbourne, i would like to think know nothing about this space of mine. (and if you do, please do not aknowledge it, please and thank you)
i owe no one apologies, no obligatory thank yous, no need to address a particular person for their graciousness.
not confined to fitting in the mould they have formed of me.
i am enjoying the freedom of being unpredictable with my writing.

ipod is on shuffle, from radiohead, mraz plays, and then we've got lupe rhyming my night away.

i've not experienced such freedom in a while. now to bask in it.

goodnight world : )

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