Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Time Has Come - United Live

oh how appropriate. Results will be out in approximately 4 hours and 18 minutes.

so to sleep or not to sleep. That is the question.


I've taken to baking. rekindling my passion for the violin. and doing flying kicks in the middle of the night.

mom's as nervous as I am.


i really really need a miracle.

God knows best.
and you know what, regardless of my results, Praise Him.

p.s. yes, I did take up the violin when i was young, immature and didn't know any better in the hopes of becoming the next Vanessa Mae. and yes, i do know taekwando.

Green belt. Hmph.

oh,and may I add, a future Fair Trade activist blogging here :p

That's it for now.

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