Wednesday, September 30, 2009

get active!

Usually, I have my reservations with campaigns like this:

Call me cynical but I never believed in protests, 1 million signatures movements/ celebrity endorsed advertisements.
Besides your 5 minutes of media coverage, petition groups don't go very far in agenda promotion.
People just lose interest and you and your groupies get labelled not very kind words i.e. crazy fanatics/extremists/nutcase/ other words not in my vocabulary.

This is an exception:
Since climate change is the new buzz in town and everyone wants to ride on this 'green' wave,
don't be part of the herd, but be the head of the pack, read up on the United Nations Climate Change Conference and be 'educate!'-d on how its policies can affect you/kickstart entrepreneurial ideas/ influence you to exert pressure on your local government.

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