Sunday, January 06, 2008

Nothing Lasts Forever.

loh pak ko. barli peng. roger's chicken wings at 2 per piece. (TSK!for chicken barbequed by the roadside), kat chai shin mui.
Its a wonder Malaysians aren't any fat-ter than they are right now at the rate we're all eating.

'payu udara', how to flirt with you 'si dia', bagaimana mengurangkan erhh double chin?
(few of the many bimbotic comments Den the med student made in the span of 2 hours)
'we like hanging out with her cause she makes us feel smart'. - Mich, Jue
ohhh, I'm going to miss all of them.

After a year of being away,
the many attempts to hold my water in when someone makes a stupid comment and I get all red-faced, how whenever we meet up its always for food, or whenever we meet up there must always be food, (the Malaysian in all of us!) how the friends' boy stories never fail to entertain me, how the past is relived in voices, pictures, that card hidden beneath that pile of books.
These moments I hold dear to my heart (and not because I can use it against them friends 20 years down the line. haah.)
A lesson learnt, and not too late.
I'm happy : )

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