Tuesday, February 14, 2006


had my first car accident!the horror i hear you say!haha.
but dont worry, it wasn't my fault at all.and it was only at the driving circuit.
this girl came ploughing into my car from behind.
my back is still aching from the hit.urgh.

and a happy valentine's day to everyone who's reading this.
bah.humbug. haha.
just kidding.

-no jamocha almond fudge?-
and farah, we go eat ice cream sometime next week okay?haha.yeay!


Vee said...

you had a CAR accident?! before taking your driving test?!? you realize that legally you're not allowed to obtain a license for another few years? ahahhahaa, best valentine's day evvveeeerrrr...

Farah Razif said...
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Farah Razif said...

You're not physically hurt. Damn. Haha. Jk. Maybe you're just not meant to drive Ee Jern. Unlike me :) :) :) ICE SCREAM!!!

yvonne said...

you okay? good job jern.