Monday, October 03, 2011

Task 1

Today like many Mondays that have past, I make a silent commitment to myself to write.
Unspoken words to my knowing mind to practise diligence in composition.

I will begin with an exercise of introspection.

What began as an ordinary morning broke into a slow moving C-grade film complete with its own C-grade nobody cast.
Appearing on set 5 minutes late the characters moved seamlessly into position.
We are re-enacting another day another ordinary morning, take 53.
To complete the scene, are the forgettable conversations.
Effortless repetition of rehearsed lines, of how are you's and how was your weekend.
The laughing track plays. Broken of course as it winds itself out in an untimely manner.
Technology is no substitute for the ailing eye. Kindle developments, colour themed Excel worksheets poorly season perception. The soundtrack haltingly awkward in many scenes, besides the fluke successes that fill the silence intermittently.

Like many other films, this one lays forgotten. Recorded, but never to be replayed again.

The Audacity to Remove.

'Perhaps' signals non-commitment.
'Perhaps' suggests fear.
'Perhaps' breeds indecisiveness.
'Perhaps' delays punctuality.
'Perhaps' corrupts hope.
'Perhaps' erodes confidence.

'Perhaps' no more.