Friday, July 22, 2005

the RM

latest news ..
or maybe..not..

the ringgit has been unpegged..i thought it was going to be repegged..not unpegged..wat a drastic move..noe wat im talking about ??? if not..forget bout it..

[currently:trying to sound smart]

Sunday, July 17, 2005

three hershey's a day will keep the doctor away

first things first, i would like to apologise for the horrendous use of the english language in my blog..spelling and all. i don't exactly read what i write..until maybe a week later.

i have developed a really unhealthy habit..i'be been eating 3 hershey kisses a day. the dentist going to have a time of his life ..

and to you, tan wee wee...i certainly did not agree to name the band v squared okay??!!

so ...we had our interview for cf on friday..and claryn scared the nuts out of the juniors.!! seriously!!..lolzz..but it was really good..but continue to uphold us in your prayer!!

shall stop here..

:currently in denial:

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

THE amazing Maurice and his EDUCATED rodents.

lolz..wats up wif the weird titles for my post larr?? this is taken from a terry pratchett book im currently reading..!! my first fantasy book!! i have never read a fantasy book before this..oh wait..does the chronicles of narnia count??? far so good..its quite a good book..

this week has been great!!.. i've been stuffing myself wif food in class since the prefects stepped down last friday!! ooh...the jellybeans...and chocolates...yumm!!

I realized ive got a bunch of whacked up frens..
they are CRAZY!!

ive got "some" who are nuts over currypuff!!..
some..who start singing..out alound in class...BEVERLY HILLS...THAT'S WHERE I WANT TO BE....LIVING IN BEVERLY HILLS..
SOME...WHO GO NUTS TALKING ABOUT're going to go eat italian n jap food after spm k??!
SOME..who have already planned on waht to do after spm..YEA..!! WE'RE GOING TO SHOPPING FOR MY CONVERSE AFTER SPM?!!
SOME..who like to bully...'mua' ..sniffles..
SOME...who call each other badak sumbu../ cat../mouse / ?????
SOME...who call people UNCOOL..if they dont noe wat the chronicles of narnia is about..EH WEE WEE..I read the book before k!!
SOME...who get so stressed out thinking bout SPM...well..actually that will be y whole class..lolz..

anywayss..moving on..u shud wathc this week's episode of boston public..!! REVERSE RACISM ???LOLZ...

-continue to pray for cf yea?? for our new board??!!- thanks loads..


love, me

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

the misadventures of mr. bob plaud and the bunny rabbit

don't ask me about the title of ,my post...lolzz

pray for cf!! we will be electing our new commitee soon!!

thats all for now..

-and you..doing that thing you do..-

Friday, July 01, 2005


i feel tiredd....

im just so tired of skool...n everything..its not that i've been studying too hard or anything..!! i have barely touched my books...but its just so tiring ..having to go to school every single day...but the thing that keeps me me 'darling' frens !! lolzz... i cant wait to go eat currypuff again on monday!! -read didi's blog for more details...hehe..

i spend most of my waking time in school talking about food.. n just annoying people..that just makes my day!! lolzz..

i have no idea wat else to blog yea..

-u dont want to kill me, u want to love me-

for wee wee :- u dont want to eat me, u want to love me!!!- i noe u do!!

ooh...i forgot..SAMOSA'SSS!!