Saturday, December 27, 2008
it never gets old huh?
watching discovery.
really, no kidding.
and now this,
i'm going through all versions of the discovery commercial ad,
i'm putting all my favourites up.
: ))
sing it with me, BOOM DE YA DA.
Friday, December 26, 2008
boom de ya da.
(i love the world commercial as on discovery channel)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
all set.
250 gigs worth of movies,
a tray of pineapple tarts.
hullo 5 day weekend.
: ))
blessed Christmas?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
tatter tale.
those who make capturing emotions seem deceptively simple.
whether in a telling piece of literature,
a reel of film,
in a picture,
in a music score.
i wish to tell stories.
but words fail me,
my artistic eye lost,
cinematography skills non-existent,
stubby hands on an aged piano.
such is the life of one with forgotten, locked- away talents.
(because everyone is gifted)
the deluge of posts because weekends are the only time i allow myself to think.
on weekdays, 'life' just gets in the way.
still searching.
i run my flabby ass away,
i bang away at the piano (for this i have to thank my mother, all those thursday nights, and extra saturday piano lessons, hur.)
say hullo to online boutiques,
do my quiet time,
sit in front of the tv and watch a black and white film.
very dreamy.
yet some part of me longs for a soy mocha, and runs in botanical gardens instead of lembah kiara with its concrete pathway, and narrow lanes.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
when will * tire of making me the target practice?
and things are looking a tad brighter.
come out and play mr. sunshine.
Monday, December 08, 2008
reality bites back.
as the truth confronts,
we shall overcome.
: )
not all is lost.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
another one of those.
the last week has been work at ***.
nownow, i don't want them googling me up now do i?
you know what's a pain?
its not work, since they've got this really coolbananas of a coffee machine.
i'll keep it for another day.
i'm off to get fat on beefballnoodles somewhere downtown kl.
p.s. i wish to write more insightful posts,
hopefully that part of me will reawaken soon.
Monday, December 01, 2008
i forgot.
I clicked on the link.
thank you very much.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
burn baby burn.
shopping no longer holds any meaning for me.
i can't last 4 hours without needing to rush home to take a nap.
i'm growing old,
fuddy duddy.
and i'm still adjusting.
i hope it isn't going to take long.
i had kaya balls today from jaya jusco.
they suck bad.
please someone, tell me where i can get good kaya balls from.
and they were a horrendous 2.90!
wasn't it only 2.00, 9 months ago?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
happy family.
I hope I don't have to keep this act up for long.
Monday, November 24, 2008
change of address.
yes, i've moved downstairs.
so instead of 3/111, its now 2/111.
well at least i've got a huge entertainer's deck now.
and thankyouthankyouandmanymorebottomoftheheartthankyous for the wishes.
i'll write you proper thank yous once this darned ace paper is out of the way.
Friday, November 14, 2008
10 months too late.
friends forever.
: ((
its funny how there's a sudden need for catch-ups and coffee as departure season looms.
what happened to the other 9 months of the year?
why la like that?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
sun, no sea, no sand.
i'm suffocating.
i'm referring to the weather and nothing else.
welcome to 31 degree days.
oh, and you know how summer's all about the sun, sea and sand.
because i'm stuck facing arial12 typeset, with the occasional italics and splashes of orange, green on a white background,
it explains the title of this post.
random fact #205: i like the smell of sunblock.
one day i'm going to read this,
and smack my head silly,
'what was I thinking!'
lovelots. keep safe. and keep sane.
Monday, November 10, 2008
slained dragons.
haha. thank ptooey,
our text exchange made my day.
show no mercy!
ohkay, so i sound deranged.
*nervous laughter
: /
Saturday, November 08, 2008
i see the finish line.
i sprint.
i shan't look back.
i shan't slow down.
i shan't breathe easy.
full steam ahead.
not on my own strength.
well, duuhhhhh.
: ))
all the best!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
a blessed birthday to jas and shuktard!
Friday, October 31, 2008
humble beginnings.
i now see the silver linings.
an uneventful start,
a year etched forever in my memory.
its looking bright after all.
: ))
thank You.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
oh how exciting!
ipoh to kl 3 hour train rides.
i'll be spending every weekend there come december-february.
can't wait!
if only mithele theh, you'll come home for Christmas.
: ((
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
identity crisis?
jalan alor to jalan kejora?
i will strangle them, flush their heads down the toilet if they dare change it.
jalan alor must forever remain as jalan alor.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
out of sight, out of mind.
the kooks.
sigh, i missed them once,
and now i'm missing them for the second time.
i've been listening to this song obsessively.
Friday, October 24, 2008
friends for life.
i pray so hard,
from the bottom of my heart,
that we'll never be strangers.
thank God for salted fish 2008.
: )))
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dear friends,
realise that you might be the next obama,
realise that you might be the next oprah,
whether in your group of 3, in your community of 100s or in your nation of millions.
don't allow dreams to be mere dreams.
taken captive in the back of your mind.
only to be awaken 5 minutes before the door slams shut.
we have a choice.
it took 4 passings for me to put this into words,
an abortion bill to be realised,
market meltdowns,
and much conflict within myself.
i'll like to think i'm no dreamer,
i hope i do not ever forget to live life to the fullest.
and to look beyond myself.
i wish to say at the end of time,
Monday, October 20, 2008
thank you : )
Whose hair resembles a mad vine
I regret to say that we of late
Have been estranged so here's a date
My last exam on **th November,
And if I rightly do remember,
The date coincides with your fair birth,
Your face, of course, gave the doctors much mirth.
Now my sweetheart, please don't tarry,
Or we'll end up with chicken peri-peri,
Let me know soon if you can make it,
I have to choose a place and stake it,
Is there anywhere you really want to go?
Or leave it up to me and I will show -
You to some food that's really quite neat,
Needless to say of course it's my treat.
Now please don't argue, it is too tiring,
And if you don't mind me enquiring,
Is there anything you want this year,
For a gift, or should I be quite cavalier?
If the date doesn't suit you pick another,
Until the 23rd if it's not too much bother,
Otherwise we'll just postpone the date,
And until we go home, it'll have to wait.
thanks fatty : )
: ))
you'll always be my one and only fatty. *shivers* haha.
i had to show the poem off,
to remain in my inbox, a dear loss.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
foot in mouth.
when i was in a team with 3 others,
debating over capital punishment,
in this dinghy little classroom in block b,
pavi or was it 'allhailqueensuga' made this comment,
blablabla.. two step dance, one, hand in mouth, blablabla, two blablabla.
something really witty,
which i'm sure wasn't original,
not an insult to her intelligence of course,but because i do remember her saying she read it off somewhere,
its bugging me, cause i just thought of it again, after so long,
and i can't find it online.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
easy listen.
great study companion.
try their album sky blue sky.
lyrics not meant to be appreciated,
one of those bands who write puzzling songs,(a compliment or not, up to them to decide, heh.)
guitar rifts aplenty.
use of bass, very sexy.
now i know why.
: ))
credit goes to j.phoon : )
Saturday, October 11, 2008
internal combustion.
think macro, think policies, think endogenous growth model please.
oh i just told off a fellow tram commuter for littering,
with a straight, no-nonsense, poker face.
and i've never felt better.
: )
Friday, October 10, 2008
i honestly want to agree,
we've gone this far,
it was never easy for me,
how i struggled to find my footing this year,
how tempted i was to give up midway,
and how i found it hard to get along with some,
and hard it was to learn to love others,
is this really the time to let go?
I need an answer.
and quick.
replies are to be in by sunday.
a public declaration:
i love my cell to bits.
The Postal Service
The Kooks
Bloc Party
thought i'll share.
and all they have left are crap seats.
too go or not to go,
now, that is the question.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
spread the love.
not a good combo.
what a waste!
i loved the skirt,
it was this multicolour piece, with gold thread borders.
stupid me.
i'm going to have to bin it.
the colours rubbed off, right onto each other.
in memory of the purple skirt.
sorry, as trivial as it is, I needed to rant.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
missed calls.
and so if i don't pick up calls or reply to texts, i've got a very valid reason.
in a way, i'm happy i lost my phone.
a much needed break.
feeling worse about the missing cpec cap than my phone.
hmmm, 21,000 sweaty runners on the 12th of October.yummy.
on a more serious note, i'm glad melody got me to volunteer for this.
i've not seen/heard such a genuine/sincere thank you in a while. : )
and happy grad day sling!
Monday, September 29, 2008
and to my one and only smallboy/mrfashionista jamesyong.
more birthdays together please.
: ))
Thursday, September 25, 2008
animal instincts.
how disturbing.
hearing loud thuds,
fearing the worse,I look out the window.
who knows,in Melbourne,even at 5 in the evening there may be a bunch of idiot drunkards having a go at each other.
all i see are 3 topless, barefooted boys whacking each other silly with this weird plastic blow up bat thing at the tennis court.
my gosh, and we call ourselves a civilised society.
well, I guess boys will always be boys.
: /
on a happyclappier note,
hawks vs. cats (like i know anything about footy)
parting ways.
regardless of the number of times you've done it.
and regardless of the miles that's already there between them two individuals.
doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
good luck rah.
a new journey/season ahead,make me proud.
and you know why goodbyes suck?
cause there's this nagging feeling that the friendship will dissolve,
and all you that you are to each other,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
art appreciation.

l-r: edward steichen - maypole , the empire state building(a crazy photo! the lines!mygosh, how he managed to capture that on film, I don't know!genius), jean dupas,jean patou( i'll love for my ahem, wedding dress to look something like that)
For aesthetic reasons, I cropped the pictures.
so obviously, I didn't do any of the artist's featured justice.
Three of my favourite pieces from the national gallery of victoria's melbourne winter masterpieces collection, art deco 1910-1939.
to think I was going to give it a miss because no tim/dick/harry wanted to go.
hooboy, that was close.
I learned all about streamlining (ie, where ordinary household items were given the appearance of all things fast) ie. the cord (what a beauty!), how art nouveau met its demise, paul colin and his sketches of josephine baker (she who danced like a savage by night, dressed like a glamour doll by day and was pursued by a grand total 1500 men of which 1 killed himself at her feet). How each piece of furniture was painstakingly created, and how/where the table's legs ended was of such significance. Its amazing, staring at the layers of paint, every texture created, every flowered motif, the colours, layers of lacquer, rhinestone, platinum, gems.i was in awe really.
and there was this really cool installation of the strand's foyer.
salvaged from the erh claws of the bulldozer in the year 1969.
but one exhibit which struck me most, was the one which featured hollywood films in its heyday.
how even during the great depression, it garnered audiences of tens of millions, with only the Bible and Koran to beat.
how fantasy, dreams, hopes helped keep them alive.
i can't wait for next year's.
Monday, September 22, 2008
no mean feat.

haha, it took me 3 tries to get up on that bale of hay.
a lot of laughs on my expense.
and even on the last try, josh had to yank me up.
lteecee, was really good.
going as kitchen hand instead of participant was wayyyy refreshing.
clean hands, pure hearts please.
am excited for the journey ahead, them i mean.
Friday, September 19, 2008
to be or not to be?
so sly.
is there any ounce of sincerity in his/her actions?
or is he/she being nice just to worm his/way through to getting his/her heart desires.
i don't know what to believe anymore.
be good people.
from the heart.
Monday, September 15, 2008
breaking ranks.
go Encik Zaid, Dr Asri!
you inspire me.
say no to using the ISA against civilians.
justice to the people.
: ))
and self-censorship?
its already out in the open, a ticking time-bomb,
discuss it in the open already.
the Malaysian government/police force should really stop with these knee-jerk reactions.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
its disgusting, following the developments.
malaysian politicians are really good at sweeping problems under the carpet,
let it grow mouldy, resulting in an infestation.
instead of detaining the culprit,
here they go, trying to pacify the majority.
brainless dimwits or what?
i'm darn pissy right now.
Friday, September 12, 2008
friends i like.
and i'll be back for more cheecheongfun and bowling people!
and italian (and nasi lemak panas) with lindy.
mangolo and dim sum sessions with cla,di,vee.
morning breakfast with pops and moms.
jalan alor.
come home for Christmas rafah, mithele, rah!
: (
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
why does everything have to be written in black and white?
why is it that we have to be dictated by what's in the manual, and not what's from the heart.
why must we be taught to do good?or to do good for the fear of repercussions?
are there no more amongst us who are, so to speak 'inherently good'?
we legalise things too much.
it feels like there's so much emphasis on imposing social responsibility on others by way of law,
so what comes out is no longer a natural reaction.
bureaucrats really complicate things for us.
we need to go back to the basics people.
sigh, a sad state of affairs. back home, here, now.
human pride/in the name of championing the rights of others. at the expense of what our forefathers fought for 51 years ago.
politicians. serving self-interests. the same old story of broken promises.
God help us.
silver lining:
alone time at gloria jeans, with accounting notes, with no one but emiliana torrini for company.
ahh. bliss.
Monday, September 08, 2008
how can you sleep at a time like this?
jason mraz, the forum, 120808.
oh, you'll need a vlc player for this one.
because its a beautiful day out, and i'm stuck at home
oh how i love walking by in tights.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
You are my joy!
and am or correction, 'was' hurled over in pain.
number 4's, really are number 4's.
when they go out of the way, ie. walk up from flinders to lonsdale after a longlong day to meet the other to allow the other to unload, and buys the other a gingerbread man.
sigh :))
and no, of course i'm not talking about myself.
basking in self pity,
with stereophonics whispering 'sweet nothings' into my ear,
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
time well spent.
james mcavoy.
hahaha. as den does it, 'psssst'.
because I don't know how to upload videos.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
i scramble out of bed, awakened by sunshine! and the chinese serial(s) my sister (the second!) plays incessantly on her laptop, for a breakfast of peanut butter jelly toast.
rush out of the house, with what the sister calls the afghan scarf, bird bag packed out with books, and heads in the direction of more food.
lunch with jas and kimchi.
sharing the latest 'goss'. haha.
walks around aimlessly for a bit, heading in the direction of the new sportsgirl store, but voice in head guides my short legs towards the city library.
where with my ahem muffin tops for company, i attempt to study macro.
ad, as, u, hmm.
heads home, then heads out again by foot! to koko black.
struggles hard with self to keep conversations going, fuelled on by chocolate.
and note to self: to get people to open up, force feed them chocolate!
with leland for company, we take that 20 minute walk.
and along the way, on the steps of flinders station, we stop to watch a group of asian church goers, singing on to the rude, rowdy drunk streets of melbourne.
very brave and ultimately inspiring.
again, i love days like these.
now, time to wave them goodbye,
and time to get my act together.
oh, pet peeve number 230:
commercialising Merdeka ie. $20 to club your night away with the pretense of celebrating independence.
pray for Malaysia : ) I'm not giving up on you just yet.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
so it was by accident I watched australian idol tonight.
and ohmygosh,
there was this crazy, amazing guy of a singer.
he writes, he plays like john mayer minus the fact he plays the flamenco,
and he speedsings (think jason mraz) about martin luther.
the reality show freak is back in action.
check him out here:
i really must learn to link proper.
Monday, August 18, 2008
here comes another.
econometrics girl pulled out of group.
i'm left with two unknowns, with an assignment due next week, and math so hard I want to shoot my brains out.
dahlarh, i'm not a math person.
ohkay, so maybe i was asking for it.
but nono, i shall not admit defeat.
press on jenny!press on!
and i'm still thinking of shopping!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
missing the point.
From my rounds in blog-o-sphere, I've realised the greatest honour to receive as a blogger is for another to leave a 'you inspired me' note on the blogger's tagboard.
of course that doesn't mean less whiny/ranty nonsense from yours truly,
but let my cupeth runneth and overfloweth.
: ))))
c'mon leechongwei!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
extended family.
Monday, August 11, 2008
observable patterns.
2) Perks up considerably at 12.00 pm Mondays and Wednesdays.
3) Times her exit from Richard Berry at 4.10 sharp to catch the no.8 to QV. Hops off and gets on to the number 1 right behind.
4) Wallows in self pity at 2.00 p.m Thursdays
5) Jumps in glee 8.00 a.m. alternate Tuesdays
6) Contemplative at 10.00 p.m. every second Wednesday of the month.
saving fish from drowning calls.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
its dark and gloomy out.
when i first wrote the original, it was 9 in the morning. its now a dreary 3.
i feel a sense of impending doom.
i need to stop procrastinating.
unknowingly, i deleted the original post, so now I'm left with a whiny/ranty note.
i'll write when my source of inspiration comes out to play again.
: )
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
for laugh(s).
(new kids on the block)
ohmygosh, what were they thinking really.
and the coolest thing about having sisters from gen-X,
(evan and jaron)
and here's marky mark and the funky bunch.
mark wahlberg when he was still the underwear model.
buried treasure. haha : )
Friday, August 01, 2008
things that made my day : )
2. screwtape letters! if you read this, that was totally unexpected! THANKYOUSOSOSOMUCH!
3. invite to dinner! and knowing that's he's finally a-okay.
such is life, that the first week of uni is great.
aiks. it can only go downhill from here.
but i will continue praising!
or at least i'll try.
: )))
its now saturday,
its an odd feeling, no new mails in my gmail.
the past week was crazy, what with O-week.
and i've been/experienced the heart of every ministry.
what's up with that?
time to sit/reflect/decide.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
you know you're going to have a great one, wish I was there celebrating it with you.
hahhaha. probably the most 'unglam' picture of us 3.
Monday, July 21, 2008
the final straw.
however I did get yelled at by the dhl guy on the other end for not being home for the last two times he tried delivering a package for me.
and it wasn't even my fault.
ohoh, but he did apologise after.
but not after I gave him a piece of my mind.
and theeeeennnn,
there was this lady who came in being all rude and bossy, and that just got on my nerves.
that just got the ball rolling.
then it was 5 degrees outside. I was tired, and have been on my feet for a good 12 hours and I walked out of IGA going 'crap!I don't have my keys'.
and it was raining.
oh boy.was it going to be a long night.
sister saves the day!
whilst i was making my way to the nearest maccas which is a good 10 minutes away by tram,
she arrives home.
so by the time I got home, its been 13 hours since I last had a shower.
not counting the quick rinse I got when it poured.
and theeeennn,
I attempted to boil rice.
with my third wonky finger, I measure the water nonetheless.
ahh, finally, I step into the shower.
minutes later, the air smells strangely familiar.
ahah! burning rice.
ohoh, burning plastic too.
there goes the rice.
there goes the pot.
there goes my day.
Friday, July 18, 2008
cool bananas.
i've depleted my sister's supply of mooncake biscuits and muruku.
and because its so bloody' cold (and no, I don't mean to curse, but I love the English don't you?haha.), though i don't have the sniffles, i've got a runny nose.
and the guys came to eat, and they left.
a good start to the semester ahead?
c'mon people, be excited!
Monday, July 14, 2008
oh snap!
back to responsibilities, early starts, peanut butter jelly sandwiches.
all good things have to come to an end.
pictures, detailed updates soon.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
as good as it gets.
i can't believe i've missed out on 5 months of your lives.
rahrah, the one on my/your right larh.
like the one above,
another one of those tales of unlikely friendships.
the times where she used to stroll into class late with her blonde hair, how i disapproved of her skipping classes.
she'll never change that one. the rebel, heartbreaker.
how 2 months changed all of that.
because I do not have a life, I've been blog hopping since 8.30 in the morning.
from the disgusting political scene back home, to pictures of foodfoodohgloriousfood!, i've read it all.
haiya, i want to go home.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
days like these.
maybe it was the unlikely company over lunch,
maybe it was the YUMMM muffin from breadwell,
maybe it came from having to thread unfamiliar ground.
a fresh sense of hope.
Monday, June 30, 2008
mark this date.
oh fine, hmm, that's about the only good thing that happened today.
barbeque wasn't particularly momentous.
not for myself anyway, hope it was for the rest who were there.
edit!: ooh! we brought or rather jemtan brought two fire brigades to our doorstep.
hahahaha.he sat off the fire alarm. thank God for a real fire or we would have ended up with a $800 fine for a false alarm)
(very funny, jemtan wanting to feed us chicken wings managed to set the ovenette on fire, so that set of the smoke alarms, and brought 3 firemen in full gear up to the 10th floor. aiya, should have taken a picture with those 3 dashing not so young men.hahahaha. )
oh the afterparty with number 4 around safeway (thenewestcoolesthangoutplace) reminded me of the times back home in kl where i'll be out gallivanting with either the mitheletheh (ahh, the crabs at jalan alor, bangsar, chickenwings at 12) or around ss2 with fatty having mango lo.
good times.
: )
Sunday, June 29, 2008
soo sexaaayy.
yesterday's power brunch session was awesome possum.
don't leave smelly.
he's a lucky guy.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
rumour has it,
so start hoarding people.
oh goodness, I need a life.
perhaps, a new one in munich, where there has only been 8 murders and a thousand + break ins as of 2007.
voted by monocle as the world's second most liveable city.
sounds like a plan.
another note,
the 'loveyourtrams' campaign seem to be working.
the next time you get off a tram, a 'thank you' wouldn't hurt.
who knows, you may have turned mr./miss/mrs. tram driver's day around.
tonight, mr no. 1 apologised for braking too hard,
two weeks ago, other mr no. 1 stopped in the middle of the junction to let me on,
three weeks ago, mrs/miss no.1 wished me a good night.
how i love my no. 1's.
read me like an open book.
today is a beautiful day,
and I shan't ruin it by spending it indoors.
through the grass/meadows/fields of posies I shall run.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pronounciation: parttteehh
1. People watch at QV whilst trading the day's happenings
2. Walk around Safeway aimlessly to kill time
3. Walk backwards up the block along lonsdale's killer wind tunnels
4. Having 3 people crammed onto a 2 seater, staring at a 15 inch for two hours, you-tubing.
Thank God for friends like them.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
in the loop.
too many new faces.
i'm sorry i ever lost that 'fire' to serve.
so tonight, was a breathe of fresh air.
the churros before that was good too.
and so were the cookiechacha and mint drink.
but the company,
even better.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
sucks to be me.
its funny really,
I thought at this point I'll be ecstatic.
If only I could turn back time.
pfft. get real jen-ny, get real.
brighter side of things,
hot chick (as she'll like to be referred to as of now) will be here in july!
but that's a loooonngggg waaayy too gooo.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
rerun(s) : )
my entry from 06.09.2007
Thursday, June 12, 2008
two papers have come and gone by.
praise God!
a paper on monday and the day after,
mustmust study!
and i can't wait for the day,
when i'll just stay in,get myself a quick fix (hurhur.), watch forrest gump, a bar of chocolate in one hand, and a book in the other.
hoohuumm. boy am i going to be fat.
Monday, June 09, 2008
its annoying me.
i'm spending way too much time cleaning up, searching through my mess, than studying.
praypraypray for me please.
: )
Sunday, June 08, 2008
raging seas.
icanhearyouinmyhead clarynchong.
: )
and i had another good day today,
will write about it when i'm less drunk, more sober.
not on alcohol mind you.
note to self: write about santa's little helper.
Friday, June 06, 2008
a 40% hike is no easy news to digest.
hmmm.yesterday was a good day. and so was the day before.
finally someone is 'attached'.
1st of June yea?
a toast to you both.
: )
Monday, June 02, 2008
punching bag.
that's what friends are for right?
guess who's going to 'partteeeh on' with mraz for the second time in the year??
: ))))
back to the books!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
nights like these,
having someone stay up with you.
while you're 'slavingawaytirelessly' flipping pages, coffemix pumped,
the grinder works its way with the peanuts,
and soup is left to simmer in the slowcooker,
thanks sister.
appreciate it loads.
then i wake up to pancakes (you know those chinese ones at the pasar malam?) frying in the pan.
this is the life.
: )
round two!
i've got him blasting in the next room,
the bass pumping, the shelves vibrating.
random words strung together to make a song,
the neighbours must be pissed.
a party of 7!
repeat of st kilda minus the 'afterparty', 18/3.
: )
12/8, can't wait!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
good listen(s).
I enjoy listening to babyshambles.
who knew a druggie like pete could hit a nerve?
ohoh, but i can't make out a single word he's singing.
mraz!round two! : )
Saturday, May 24, 2008
< 3
Bye and buketful of hugs and kisses
now you know where i got my sappy-ness from.
how to disappear completely and never be found.
all at once and the scientist aren't helping.
but a certain someone's reply made the afternoon a little better.
cheecheongfunandfishballs : /
and don't worry guys, its a non-existent problem.
'cari pasal'.
i'm an expert on that.
its just one of those nights.
where I wished for it to rain on my parade, and it just poured.

"What makes you who you are? A name? An address? A random collection of experiences, a few memories? You are who you can prove you are. You are what people think - and that's the easiest thing in the world to change."
darn you finals!
living in the moment,
leaving the past.
: )
Friday, May 23, 2008
stone age.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
happy times.
One's out/at/in the studio doing her 'thang', the other's done with assignments and is going to have an awesomepossum super duper exciting time ahead of her! (thankyouforsharingwithmeandmakingmyday!), the other 'killedit' at powergen.
: )
you guys have been a tremendous source of inspiration/encouragement/support.
Thank You.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
think happy thoughts : )
first space, second space,
ewan dood was really good.
Acts 17:16
and I'm glad I had that conversation today.
Its been way too long.
from being near inseparable, we've been reduced to hi bye friends.
and I thought he robbed me of a friend,
oh how wrong I was.
my bad.teehee.
I miss home.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Instead of being in bed, and remaining there for the next 8 hours,
I'm blurry eyed and wide awake.
so life here is not all happyhappyjoyjoy.
(just another one of those days. sighummms.)
Fly me home someone
: )
thankyoufor your ear number 4, and thankyou number4 for being considerate and aiming in the other direction.
but thankyou most of all, for the company.
what would I do without you and You?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
sheeps go to heaven,
Monday, May 05, 2008
the honorary other 'lee', the one who's seen me in my daggiest of clothes, the one who's seen me throw tantrums, the one who's on the Dean's list, the one who calls me at the 'ungodliest of hours', the one who listens to me rantrantrant, the one who unashamedly sings along with me to Ashlee Simpson, the one who watches trashymtvshows with me, the one whose laughter and stories are infectious, and regardless of the many times we've annoyed each other,
a toast to manymanymoreyearsofahappyclappyfriendship.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
off my back.
This is bad.
I've got a hotsizzlingchica as a friend.haha.
I hope to get free sushi now.
I can only hope and pray, that number 4 won't turn into 'oneofthem'.
The horror.
prayprayfastfast. Why be ashamed?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
and this is how I feel.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
long weekend ahead.
thankyou, you and You for making my day yet again.
Those chocolates and that two page long letter all the way from Adelaide sure came as a 'suprise'.
what more the 'post-boy' who delivered it.
I miss you guys lots wherever you are.
Please pay me a visit and I'll be heaps happier.
Thank you.
: )
and because I feel like it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
After an hour of 'huh,gettothepointalready' micro lecture, kerekere skinny mocha, sardinepacked finance lecture, a 15minute ob group meeting, 'agettingtoknowyou' chat on the tram, and then degraves for a good 15 minutes, walking back and forth along the stalls, and finally deciding on a hot salami baquette'. a 10 minute tram ride, and here I am blogging to remind me of Tuesdays like this.
: )
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Don't stop.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
tried and tested.
what was bugging me for the past week has now been resolved.
i think i'm happy again.
now to run the starbursts' off.
then i'll be heck loads happier.
Monday, April 14, 2008
a case of
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I need to text like a few gazillion bazillion people.
*be nice to me phone.
please and thank you.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
because it came from the heart.
Monday, April 07, 2008
2 down, a gazillion more to go.
I'm removing the word 'fun' from my dictionary.

Sunday, April 06, 2008
Universal. Lame jokes on the field. Cornetto's and Magnum's.
M&M's. 900g pack vs. 250g pack.
Its all your fault!
Many laughs.
Shoulder tapping, shoe hiding, underwear smelling.
have a great week guys!
and mails will be replied soon-ish, rest assured.
: )
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Two to tango.
Monday, March 31, 2008
caught in between.
I just made a very selfish decision.
Necessary for survival?
bumbling idiot.
sweaty palms typing away furiously at the sticky keyboard,
blinking orange lights.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
camp and such.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
life is wonderful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
No, not you fatty.
The other fatty.
i'm really sorry we didn't get to 'hang' one last time before we left.
that was one of the sweetest life updates i've gotten so far.
thank you, you made my day.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
and it feels so good.
sent out 3 e-mails.
and that one snailmail to that someone.
: )
getting my priorities straight.
inspire me please.
and i'm afraid to call.
I'm afraid you'll pick up, we'll go through the 'hi,howareyou?what'veyoubeenupto?'
followed by a long awkward silence.
but I want you to know that I'll always be there for you.
and if you think its you i'm talking about,
maybe it is you, maybe it isn't.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I love my cell.
: )
Dear friends back home,
I miss you lotslotslots like crazy lots!
Am thinking of you guys constantly.
Sorry for the absence.
The non arrival of promised mails/cards, presence on msn.
Will be back soon!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
thrown into the deep end.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
jack in the box.
Surprises aplenty.
Unknowingly, I needed a 'pickmeup'.
And it came in the form of unlikely friendships.
There was the number 4 who was being really annoying during the whole finance lecture. And after much drama involving a stolen bicycle, I finally met *ahem*.
To *ahemahem*, I really like *ahem*.
I think *ahem's* really cool.
: )
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
The world sucks you in, then spits you out.
so suck it up.
I sometimes wish I was more articulate.
I wish I could paint, write poetry, or maybe even a song or two.
I can do neither.
: (
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
be excited!
but i'll be hanging on tight.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
it all seems so strange, so surreal.
that click when my key fits into the lock. the number 1. the confidence I have when walking into that store, knowing where everything is placed.
The painful past and the many sweet memories.
Thank you, you and You for the past 3 months.
Now, to BE EXCITED for the next 10 months.
: )
Saturday, February 23, 2008
5 year olds.
a certain micallef and a certain lim are getting on my nerves.
10 mails of 'EPM Tute Swap' followed by another 10 mails with the header 'PISS OFF'.
so, i had my tenpin rematch, without Densy. how can??
Thursday, February 21, 2008
you know I'm such a fool for you.
The one who had to be forced out of bed at 7 every morning. The one who clutches her pilsy from house to house, and falls asleep on the rocking chair in mama's and only wakes for breakfast at 8.00. The one who then stumbles back to the rocking chair, falls asleep and only wakes in time to shower and to have lunch prepared by her aunt who slaved over the stove the entire mornng, while her butt was conveniently glued to the rocking chair before aunty bus shows up at mama's doorstep at 11.45.
I miss my 16 year old self.
The one who gets back from school. Showers and then seats herself at the marble table waiting to be served. Then with her hair wet, falls asleep on the rocking chair after reading the day's papers, only to be found by Mama, who will then heckle her about going to sleep with her hair wet. Then as she slept, Mama will fan her with her tiny kipas, to spare her from 'tau fong', or in its literal translation, head wind, when she's 40 and greying.
My nearest and dearest.
My mama and kuche.
: )
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
my technicolor dream.
'limau ais'.
' sai fan'.
late night rendezvous'.
'last one there buys red bean lo. '
speeds from one end of ss2 to the other, overtaking the other competing 'team', running out from the car(s), jumping over drains, almost landing ourselves in front of an oncoming myvi, having everyone stare at us as we run breathless and laughing hysterically into the shop.
seen the person whom i've been wanting to see for the past 3 months, catches up on life, plots events that may or may not happen over the next few days, have the car shat on.
speeeeeds home.
never ever park car beneath trees outside makhbul.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
are you kidding me?
I'm pissy. So pissy.
I want to whack balls flying at speeds of 40mph.
I want to hang off a 'cliff'.
I want to scream my lungs out, 65 metres up.
I want to bump someone off the tracks.
I want a tenpin rematch.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
i think i'll name my daughter ginger.
fatty's the best-est. along with kimchi. the sisters. and everyone else.
: )
be mine : )
long drives. decanter. pink cushions. tealights. swensen's. amazing race asia finale.
more of these please.
if only didi was there with us three.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
hello. good morning. goodbye.
in a way, i can't wait to get back to the number 4, por por head, nova, jason*, the runs from st kilda road to dodds at 12 in the morning, peanut butter jelly sandwiches every morning, coffee runs before exams.
who am I kidding?
I've got the family here, mango lo with fatty, didi, and clare, more late night bowling with the ptooey and densy, and maybe ah chong, nasi lemak every morning if i wanted, hassan's rojak, sunday mornings after church at jalan alor, movies with moms and pops.
There really is no place like home.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
that warm fuzzy feeling.
You were on His mind,
And every tear you cry,
Is precious in His eyes.
Nothing you can do,
To make Him love you more,
And nothing that you've done,
Could make Him close the door.
-So You Would Come-
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the silence is deafening.
a tidal wave of emotions.
a 'i'm so happy you have a papa'.
i'm fine, and I hope that they will be too.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
so easy.
Too easy to be the one who falls.
So hard to be strong, to be the one who soldiers on.
Monday, January 21, 2008
that mutual understanding.
2 years.
Time changes a person, and maybe those feelings you once used to have.
A question of what could have been?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I've got a story to tell.
this reminds me of the time, where this dood from camera house went through all the trouble (annoyed his colleauges, help lug my groceries aroud, infected his laptop with my virus infested usb drive, and the list ges on) to undo my mess on a photoshop-ed picture.
a whole hour for a 29 cent print.
there still is hope!
: ) : ) : )
toe-tapping, finger-snapping.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I remember your skates which we ruined.
and I still have that Donkey Kong of yours with your last name imprinted on it.
Picture Perfect.
How much more dense can one get?
And if you think its you I'm talking about, you're wrong.
And it doesn't help that one emo song is playing after the other.
Time to visit the grandma and be all happy clappy again!
: )