Thursday, June 26, 2008

rumour has it,

that prices of stationeries will be up by 40% soon-ish,

so start hoarding people.

oh goodness, I need a life.

perhaps, a new one in munich, where there has only been 8 murders and a thousand + break ins as of 2007.

voted by monocle as the world's second most liveable city.

sounds like a plan.

another note,
the 'loveyourtrams' campaign seem to be working.

the next time you get off a tram, a 'thank you' wouldn't hurt.
who knows, you may have turned mr./miss/mrs. tram driver's day around.

tonight, mr no. 1 apologised for braking too hard,
two weeks ago, other mr no. 1 stopped in the middle of the junction to let me on,
three weeks ago, mrs/miss no.1 wished me a good night.


how i love my no. 1's.

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