Saturday, August 30, 2008


i love saturdays like the one I just had.

i scramble out of bed, awakened by sunshine! and the chinese serial(s) my sister (the second!) plays incessantly on her laptop, for a breakfast of peanut butter jelly toast.

rush out of the house, with what the sister calls the afghan scarf, bird bag packed out with books, and heads in the direction of more food.
lunch with jas and kimchi.
sharing the latest 'goss'. haha.

walks around aimlessly for a bit, heading in the direction of the new sportsgirl store, but voice in head guides my short legs towards the city library.

where with my ahem muffin tops for company, i attempt to study macro.
ad, as, u, hmm.

heads home, then heads out again by foot! to koko black.
struggles hard with self to keep conversations going, fuelled on by chocolate.
and note to self: to get people to open up, force feed them chocolate!

with leland for company, we take that 20 minute walk.
and along the way, on the steps of flinders station, we stop to watch a group of asian church goers, singing on to the rude, rowdy drunk streets of melbourne.
very brave and ultimately inspiring.

again, i love days like these.
now, time to wave them goodbye,
and time to get my act together.

oh, pet peeve number 230:
commercialising Merdeka ie. $20 to club your night away with the pretense of celebrating independence.

pray for Malaysia : ) I'm not giving up on you just yet.

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