Monday, May 12, 2008


I've screwed up my waking/sleeping hours.
Instead of being in bed, and remaining there for the next 8 hours,
I'm blurry eyed and wide awake.


so life here is not all happyhappyjoyjoy.
(just another one of those days. sighummms.)

Fly me home someone

: )

thankyoufor your ear number 4, and thankyou number4 for being considerate and aiming in the other direction.
but thankyou most of all, for the company.

what would I do without you and You?


sujiiee said...

JENN!!!!! i miSS YAAA

Ju said...

Come home now...

cause I miss you.

Clare said...

jenny, who are u talking about?
er.. is there a special someone?

loads of work huh?
just keep persevering. =D