Wednesday, June 06, 2007


there's no one to layan me and my crazy ideas here.

man, where have all the 'not-so-sane' people gone?

to the people back home. yes, you.

i miss you all yo.


Jacqui said...

Jen Jen!! I miss you too =) Hehe...

Jen said...


you actually found me!


and we have to 'hang' when i get back k!


Ju said...

and when are u getting back...?

Muacks jenny!

All the best for your exams!

And just get a cbox already will ya!!

Spamming your comment boxes ain't FUN! said...

ya juey!!! i kept on telling ee jen to put a cbox but she doesn't want.

do u think i should put it for her?? since i know her password! hehehehhehee

maybe i should! EE JENNNN!!! get e TAG BOARD PLZ!!!!!

Jen said...

jueey i ain't going to be back until december larh!!

and spamming comment boxes is LIFE!


and windy lindy, don't ber-komplot with people to get a chatterbox up!

say no to chatterboxs'!

and i'm hapy cuz i'm going shopping in approximately 20 minutes, and bw was oh so good yesterday!

Ju said...

so pink panther is lindy? lindy is pink panther? OKay! Why does pink panther know you password?? Lol.

Just get a cbox!!!

Pink panther...just get it for her!!