to do:
catch up with lots of people.
kl trip.
read.books.storybooks.any good ones you know of?do tell.
watch the departed.
eat swedish meatballs.
attend cf once school reopens in January!i miss!
bake mrs field's!we must!we must have another baking session!
kl trip.
read.books.storybooks.any good ones you know of?do tell.
watch the departed.
eat swedish meatballs.
attend cf once school reopens in January!i miss!
bake mrs field's!we must!we must have another baking session!
Christmas.can't wait. but do remember what Christmas is really all about!
no.its not about the presents. its not even about the roast turkey. don't know?ask me.
i'll start from the beginning.2000+ years ago.
paper chase
i tried doing everything 'right'.
but it all went wrong anyway.
oh swell.
do pray hard for a miracle! : )
honestly.i think i'm losing me. i don't really know who/what i am anymore.
i need a hobby. stamp collecting anyone?
oh bah.humbug.
so many things to little time.
and thanksyous sis-sis!you know why!<3
p.s. didn't know michelle branch formed half of the wreckers.
listen to desperately. really *schweet* song.

: )
1 comment:
we need to go for lunch, lunch, lunch.
i made lemon merigue today =D (however you spell it)
michelle did formed the wreckers =) I could have told you that, i love her.
Good luck for the remaining papers!
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