im relly not very good at thinkin of titles for my posts..hehheezz...
well....this week was kinda ok....not dat much homework!!yeayz!!
and we dun have skool da whole of next week!!yeayz!!
and......wat else arrzz??? err.....therez a snake in skool...
cuz we had da gotong royong help eredicate dengue.or sumthin like dat..and they found it hidden under the drain...i wasnt there..but yea...from wat i was more like a worm....but u can tell its a snake cuz of the head...and u noe wat they did wif da snake??..cuz it was in front of the chem lab..they took acid and poured it over the wouldnt they whacked it wif a broom...girls can be so ganas at times..dun u think??lolzz..
so yea...we cleaned up da skool....and everyone wuz like screamng at me..cuz i wusnt picking up much rubbish...hehehezz..trying to get of the hook...
and i pushed a wheelbarrow for the first time!!! hehehezz... i noe larr..u all must be thinking im so lame...
and yen li finally came for cf today!!we started the guardian angel game thingie...and my b.angel/ mortal is yen li...the form 2 wann...lolzz...
whhee!!might be goin shoppin wif jac , jan, and tiok nee on sunday at ikea!!! need to get stuffzz..for the ed board room!! but wif 100bucks wat can u get larr rite???haihzz..lolz...
my sis is back...yea....and she brought back the new planet shakers cd wif her...its called always and forever...and its relly good...hehheezzz....
chinese new year's in about....5 days!! yeayzz!! but i really hate the weahter durin this timee...relly hot...and stuffy....hehezz...
i dunno wat else to blog about..but i relly shud start workin relly hard..if i wanna do well in spm.. no more slacking...!!!
a brand new day a brand new me!! i hope larrzz....
oh yea....wat was i gonna say again....nvmzz...
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