a sudden departure.
a tidal wave of emotions.
a 'i'm so happy you have a papa'.
i'm fine, and I hope that they will be too.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
so easy.
to want to give in.
Too easy to be the one who falls.
So hard to be strong, to be the one who soldiers on.
Too easy to be the one who falls.
So hard to be strong, to be the one who soldiers on.
When the music fades,
All is stripped away,
And I simply come.
-Heart of Worship-
Monday, January 21, 2008
that mutual understanding.
yes, that one.
2 years.
Time changes a person, and maybe those feelings you once used to have.
A question of what could have been?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I've got a story to tell.
Speaking of botak boy,
this reminds me of the time, where this dood from camera house went through all the trouble (annoyed his colleauges, help lug my groceries aroud, infected his laptop with my virus infested usb drive, and the list ges on) to undo my mess on a photoshop-ed picture.
a whole hour for a 29 cent print.
there still is hope!
: ) : ) : )
this reminds me of the time, where this dood from camera house went through all the trouble (annoyed his colleauges, help lug my groceries aroud, infected his laptop with my virus infested usb drive, and the list ges on) to undo my mess on a photoshop-ed picture.
a whole hour for a 29 cent print.
there still is hope!
: ) : ) : )
toe-tapping, finger-snapping.
stacey kent - breakfast on the morning tram
on very rare occasions, have I fallen in love with an album on my first listen.
oh botak boy at rock corner, thankyouthankyou for being ever so patient with me.
i'm happy, are you?
: )
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I remember the times where I'll tag along for the car ride to drop my sister off at your place.
I remember your skates which we ruined.
and I still have that Donkey Kong of yours with your last name imprinted on it.
I remember your skates which we ruined.
and I still have that Donkey Kong of yours with your last name imprinted on it.
Picture Perfect.
How much more dense can one get?
And if you think its you I'm talking about, you're wrong.
And it doesn't help that one emo song is playing after the other.
Time to visit the grandma and be all happy clappy again!
: )
Friday, January 11, 2008
Its that time of the year again.
When you pack em' up, and ship em' away.

If found, please return to:
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Nothing Lasts Forever.
loh pak ko. barli peng. roger's chicken wings at 2 per piece. (TSK!for chicken barbequed by the roadside), kat chai shin mui.
Its a wonder Malaysians aren't any fat-ter than they are right now at the rate we're all eating.
'payu udara', how to flirt with you 'si dia', bagaimana mengurangkan erhh double chin?
(few of the many bimbotic comments Den the med student made in the span of 2 hours)
'payu udara', how to flirt with you 'si dia', bagaimana mengurangkan erhh double chin?
(few of the many bimbotic comments Den the med student made in the span of 2 hours)
'we like hanging out with her cause she makes us feel smart'. - Mich, Jue
ohhh, I'm going to miss all of them.
After a year of being away,
the many attempts to hold my water in when someone makes a stupid comment and I get all red-faced, how whenever we meet up its always for food, or whenever we meet up there must always be food, (the Malaysian in all of us!) how the friends' boy stories never fail to entertain me, how the past is relived in voices, pictures, that card hidden beneath that pile of books.
These moments I hold dear to my heart (and not because I can use it against them friends 20 years down the line. haah.)
A lesson learnt, and not too late.
I'm happy : )
Friday, January 04, 2008
wrong number.
oh, she (Farah Fat) thinks she's busy tomorrow!
We'll have to see her sunday then!
We'll tapau nando's or something.
Sent to Farah Fat at 2230hours.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
-Somewhere over the rainbow -
Listen to Shawn Mcdonald's take on it.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
There's no place like home.
I see food everywhere.
mochi. chow tau kwei (I don't know how to spell it). the best chinese pancakes ever. the not so good ais kacang. those white translucent balls filled with sar kot. siew mai. fried chicken wings. asam laksa.
Pasar malam.
oh, how good it smells.
and then I'm off for a milo ais in an hour.
mochi. chow tau kwei (I don't know how to spell it). the best chinese pancakes ever. the not so good ais kacang. those white translucent balls filled with sar kot. siew mai. fried chicken wings. asam laksa.
Pasar malam.
oh, how good it smells.
and then I'm off for a milo ais in an hour.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
the gang.
from a conversation with fatty and didi.
the currypuff gang days relived.
from a conversation with fatty and didi.
the currypuff gang days relived.
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