Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thank You(s).
Thank You(s).
Thanks for all the suprises, and the not much of a suprise, and the thoughts of wanting to suprise me.
Thank you for braving the streets and the malls.
Thank you for thinking of me (and my tummy).
Thank you for remembering all my likes and dislikes.
Thank you for the 'you-ness' in all your gifts.
Thank You for all the friendships that have been tried/tested/forged.
Thank You for You on this day.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Stop This Train.
Paying attention to detail.
Reorganising 20 boxes worth of documents is no easy task. For the arms and not for the brain anyway.
The pod makes life sweeter. thank you ches' : )
Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm sorry,
I love her artwork.
Thank You.
An eventful weekend it was.
From cake to chocolate/strawberry sundaes, to my first full man. u match.
As pathethic as this may sound, I don't like the distance between us.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Not a myth I hope.
Sometimes, absence does make the heart forget.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
falling apart.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
stupidity sucks.
no holds. no barriers. no playing pretend.
a little more about me.
i want to cryyyyyyyyyyyyy.
and it doesn't help that i'm listening to 'once' all over again.
(i don't know where this is going. i don't know how this is going to end)
quote of the day: 'it's just something from our generation thing'.
oh, how i wish it was a cliche.
and i'm thinking about you, you, you and i need You.
on another note,
its very tempting to drown myself with 'meetups, greetups, climbing the social/corporate ladder'.
this is all turning out to be a very overwhelming experience for me.
its taking me time, to get out of my comfort zone, once more.
i want to crawl back right in.
thank you chehchehcheh.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
half the time that i'm supposedly awake, i'm really actually feeling sleepy.
i don't mean to sound like some ungrateful Malaysian who's trying to forget my roots, but I am finding it difficult having to adapt back to the Malaysian way of life.
no more alone time sipping coffee, while watching the world go by.
on the bright side, i can probably get an ice cold kopi peng for a dollar fifty.
(i just realised ice cold kopi peng is a completely redundant statement.)
no more waking up to clear blue skies.
well, at least i don't have to go around wearing sunblock. Better still,I probably won't brown too much even if I ran out of the house forgetting to slatter banana boat all over myself.
no more hanging out with the sisters, whiling the saturday nights away watching crappy teen movies.
the parents are better in some sense.
i guess its really not so bad after all.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
crossing paths.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i can't get no, satisfaction.
all i've been doing all morning is creating a racket here in the library, with all my pearl sucking, shapes crunching, nonstop keyboard tapping and erh, the one or two phone calls i had to pick up.
real sorry.
tomorrow will mark the end of my first year at uni. time does fly.
i usually detest blogging about the 'hot' topic of the moment.
but this deserves a mention.
i am sosososososososososososososo proud of those who took part in the 'BERSIH' rally.
enough said.
Friday, November 09, 2007
shawn mcdonald.
And I'm not going to question, why You're so faithful
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
when your mind's made up.
add 'once' too my all time favourites.
i love emails.
so good to hear from friends after so long.
it feels good to be able to ramble on and on and on, and for people to actually reply with a
time to go on a msn hiatus?
thank God for gmail.
Friday, November 02, 2007
chain reaction please.
a free coffee made my day.
i hope the gift of snickers will too!
i learnt a lot today. not in the academic sense. (though that will be good too!)
go catch my drift someone.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
my head spin-neths.
i called the library my 'home' : /

just because.
and i like my coffee from that place.
2 <3.
Monday, October 29, 2007
good times.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i want london almonds.please, and thank you.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hi there.
meet roxy, pebbles and stoner.
hmmm. this reminds me.
i've still got this huge lump of a rock sitting on my desk back home all the way from the infamous bakun dam project.
pops sure does have a sense of humour : /
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
i want to.
and that's how good i thought it was!
Monday, September 17, 2007
soooooo beautiful.
k i know this its really weird for me to go on and on and on about this.
the ending was so 'potong stim'. and throughout the whole movie i was like,
oh no!something horrible is going to happen.
kept me on the edge of my seat. literally.
oh more like, it was me slouching over in my seat, trying to keep the screen from overwhelming the pint size me in the 3rd row. ahahahah.
but the music was like 'wooooooooowwwwwwwww'.
genius! like mel would say.
go watch once!
teewheemelsmell. i had fun. : ) !
can't wait to get the soundtrack to the movie. *bouncebouncebounce!*
Thursday, September 13, 2007
a part of the human anatomy.
not sure which.
if you know what i mean.
and i think i miss you (all).
yes,you (all).
clarynchong,didiloong, fattytan. let us all go farfarfar away for a holiday when the fatty and I get back.
or maybe let's just camp out on my kitchen table.
just like the old times.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
: )
in the midst of everything,
Monday, September 03, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
the simple pleasures in life,
time to stop to smell the roses people.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
once bitten, twice shy.
and once again, you know who you/you all are.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
bring out them tiki torches!
tiki torches and flip flops bring out the best in me.
oasis. otherwise.
why, why tell me why.
i need a 'pickmeup'.
not in that sense.
God save the queen.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
fell out of my Bible.
it reads on the back,
You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. This is the greatest and foremost commandment. THe second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22: 37-39
i remember I lead this particular Bible study on a hot balmy afternoon in 3 Gigih.
us girls huddled up in the middle of the classroom together. and as always mrs boey would be watching us from her little corner.
good old days.
3 Sunday afternoons back.
relish! red radishes. lemons. lemon zest. lebanese cucumbers. coriander seeds. celery. and two hours of back aching bending over the kitchen counter action.
and by the time you read this Mithele Cheh, you'll be far far away. close to the North Pole, where elves and reindeers run free.
if i'm lucky, you'll catch me at heathrow.
and two updates in two days,
what is becoming of me?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
for a moment there,
you guys made my day.
more heart to heart talks please.
and thank you.
You are awesome, You know that?
Monday, August 13, 2007
one's going to end up all the waaaaayy over there.
another's probably going to be a 13 hour flight away.
i'm really really really going to miss these people.
please don't go.
mithele cheeeeh!! i'm going to miss you sosososososososososososososososososo much!
rafah, i'm being selfish i know. but please either come to where everyone else is, or at least stay put in subang.
the pushi gang no more.
: (
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
awoke at 7.
oh shoots. die.
from half an hour to a full blown an hour and a half nap.
brains won't function.
how now?
i need more sleep.
pointless post.like the others.
smack me someone.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
won't you help to sing...
world's guilty pleasures.
1) dark chocolate with oh so good macadamia nuts in every bite.
2) coming back to an empty home.
3) offering your seat in the tram to a 5 year old with pigtails and her granny.
4) bagels with cream cheese.
5) hoo-haaing in the backroom.
6) the plastic bags from your trip to safeway only gives way when you arrive at your stop.
7) huddling in a corner with friends after dna.
8) spending an hour reading the backs of cereal boxes before deciding on one, in desperate attempts to prevent weight gain during the dreadful winter.
9) when your sister comes barging into your room screaming 'EH!ITS ALREADY 6.30!'
10) when someone tells you you're different for a particular someone you know.
and last but not least,
$0.99 pineaple pieces from safeway.
oh and i forgot to mention, 'food-appreciation' lessons.
you know who you/you all are.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
school's out!
bpa lectures are absolutely torturous.
politics schmolitics?
and i knew where pak lah was last monday, at 1600 hours.
one word.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
off the rails.
finally. had a nice long chat with sophie. over murtabak and dahl.
driving without your headlights switched on.really dangerous. especially when its dark out.
the dood is leaving in what?5 days?
say bye to coffees.long chats. and rides home.
hello there, mr. tram no. 1 driver.
not cool.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
sugar rush anyone?
fun filled days are over.
belgian waffles 3 times a week? even better.
chequered vans?
don't you just want to kill me kim chi?
at least you're cake didn't get to me first!
9 till 6 tomorrow?
stop complaining i know.
well, at least now i can get the vans.
guilt free.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
natural human progression.
giving people the benefit of the doubt.
faith like a child.
that's what i need.
And not letting people break me down
You won't get that joy this time around
Can you imagine me?
In a world where nobody has to live afraid
Because of Your love, fears gone away
Can you imagine me?
Kirk Franklin - Imagine Me.
why is that the words/thoughts from the mouths/minds of others carry such heavy weights?
don't conform.
be transformed.
of yellow daisies, pink ponies and rainbow colored bottoms.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
update shmuckdate.
for some weird reason, while waiting for the tram, these words popped into my head.
oh good times.good times.
hahaha. i remember the days when nis would come walking into class shooting off weird random words like the ones above.
always wondered where she got them from.
well,now, i know.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
a lesson of sorts.
by then, it'll be a little too late.
48 hours too late to make the cheh's trip here more memorable.
stupidity force factor = 2/10
Monday, June 25, 2007
caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
am trying to ween myself off coffee.
from one addiction to another.
hot chocolate.chocolate sundaes. chuncky chocolate macadamia cookies. chocolate chocolate chip nut muffins.
here i come.
the power couple is finally here!
all the way from john's fort.
now, what happened to what i originally thought was going to be a party of 10?
winnie paid for my eggtarts today. i'm feeling really really bad at the moment!i didn't offer to pay at all!
now, how much more worse of a friend can i be?
very much worse.i know.
Friday, June 22, 2007
who you with?
me got some good karma, some good marijuana,
come share with me.
am not encouraging the use of weed here.
or am i?
i sound high on something don't i?
high on life.
that's it.
shopping with fatty tomorrow. can't wait!
its been a looonggg time.
mithelecheh will be down in 3 days!
am going to relive the pushi and nando's days.
where for art thou rafah?
the one in adelaide will be here too by then!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
living the American dream.
so much things to do, so little time.
till then.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
good stuff.
like really good!
am so glad i decided to go!
you're the best!
Praise.Praise. Praise.
i'm not making sense i know. blame the exams!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
man, where have all the 'not-so-sane' people gone?
to the people back home. yes, you.
i miss you all yo.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
oh lighten up already!
this week's blonde moments.
not my blonde moments mind you. since when have i ever had a blonde moment?!
haha.who am i kidding.
jus-tin making this weird 'chhiiichiiiichiiii' sound while walking to subway yesterday.
uncle tay's char kuey teow!best in sydney and melbourne!
don't play k. accountant turned char kuey teow uncle. he'll most probably end up making more money than 3 melbourne uni accounting graduates combined.
: /
what's soy milk made up of?
Friday, May 25, 2007
the funness yo.
not to bad i must say.
Monday, May 21, 2007
the weather.
i miss the library gang.
i miss fatty (and the times we'll start giggling like schoolgirls (technically we still were) whenever cherrytree walked by) . i miss ha meen. i miss rafah!and the mcdonald's we'll have.
i miss sitting upstairs on the 3rd floor in that little room.
i miss the times father will pick me up from taylor's at 9.30.
i miss the last few days of college where i started hanging out with zhan hao and douglas.
oh the stories they used to tell.
now, i have the law library. new friends. its never going to be the same.
get over it.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Star
On May 9, during a heated exchange in the Dewan Rakyat with Opposition MPs over the roof leak at Parliament House, Bung Mokhtar had said: “Mana ada bocor?
Batu Gajah pun bocor tiap-tiap bulan juga. (Where is the leak? The Batu Gajah MP also leaks every month.)”
KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 (Bernama) -- The roof of Parliament building is having a "severe" leakage problem and requires the whole structure to be rebuilt, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said today.
The roof also had to be installed with waterproofing and concealed ceiling equipment for heat protection, he told reporters after inspecting the roof and effects of the ceiling leakage near the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara galleries.
"As an architect by qualification, I believe the present condition is severe. We must dismantle the whole structure and build it again with waterproofing equipment," he said.
He said that presently, leakages had been detected at five places and if immediate measures were not taken, the situation would worsen and the leak could happen at 10 or 15 other places.
Besides, he said, loads of rubbish had been found on the roof and the pipes to the extent of causing water flows to be blocked.
Samy Vellu did not blame anyone for the problem even though the maintenance work was carried out by the Parliament Department because he said that the important thing now was to repair the building and not to blame someone.
He said that when the interior restoration and renovation works were carried out costing RM90 million in 2005, the installation of water proofing equipment was not included in the contract.
Hence, he said, several architects and the Public Works Department (PWD) maintenance director had been told to carry out a comprehensive inspection on the leak problem.
He said a working paper on the maintenance work and costs to be incurred would be ready for submission to the Cabinet in three days.
"I have also instructed them not to leave anything behind so that the maintenance work is to be undertaken comprehensively and I want after this leakages will not happen again in the next 20 or 30 years," he said.
Samy Vellu said the old Parliament building design which had concrete blocks stacked on each other was no longer suitable with the current situation while the plastic pipes used needed to be replaced with Class A steel pipes.
Asked on the cost for the maintenance work, he said the amount would not be known until the PWD had completed the working paper. Surely, it would incur a huge sum, he said.
On May 9, at least six ceiling leakages were detected at the Parliament building including near the media centre.
stupidity at its best.
Malaysia Boleh.
and we know where the money's going already don't we? : /
Monday, May 14, 2007
that was soooo last year.
Friday, May 11, 2007
what a steal!
time does fly.
happy i am.
now, how cool is that??
so i bonded with pam over fruit juice and ice cream in safeway.
these med people are cool yo.
say no to embryonic stem cell research.
so i wanted to end there. but lucky you, the fingers and brains wanted me to do otherwise.
Jus-Tin and his artistic/creative side. taking pictures of the people walking in front of him at 1 in the morning : /
and Kim Chew the kimchi.
he doesn't know that i think of pickled cabbage everytime i see him.
and lets keep it that way, shall we?? heeeee.
and juey, welcome to blogspot.
you are now, one of the tom, dick and harry's i mention quite often here, in my space.
Monday, April 30, 2007
heeee. don't worry am still very much Malaysian at heart. and I want to keep it that way.
oh wow. a week just flew by like that.
i was away at camp the past 3 days.
and you know what, it was good. and i don't regret going away for the weekend and leaving the assignments behind.
haha. but don't worry i still know where my priorities lie.
but i guess, i had 'issues' that needed to be dealt with.
it was good to be able to hang with Him again. Not that I couldn't have done it at home, or anywhere for that matter.
but I felt a little distant from Him.
I just needed to be reminded once again that His goodness and mercy is always there with me wherever I go.
I just needed someone to tell me, to start living for Him again, and not for myself.
and guess what?The microecons assignment that i was worried about leaving behind. I'm now 7/8 done. all that in the span of 12 hours and no, i don't mean to brag here. but really, all glory to Him.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
tumtums is giving me problems.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
those 3 words are said too much.
2 cups of hot chocolate in a day.
chocolate addict.
confirm kao kao.
how now?
chocolate's good for you.no?
theartofblogging. writing like every other tom, dick and harry listed on blogger/xanga/livejournal.
coolness yo.
: /
and ooooh.before i forget, A BIG FAT HAPPY 19TH TO THESE PEOPLE!
jacqui kong.amandatee.sharlyn!
have/had a great one!
oh oops. forgot for a moment there. jac turns 18 this year.heeee. SO A BIG FAT HAPPY 18TH TO YOU, JACQUI KONG!
reallydoubtyou'llevercomeacrossthis. but its the thought that counts.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
kids no more.
Braden and his 'hot' new ride and 1 dollar roti canai out there somewhere in clayton.
Douglas and his 'new' girl, and 'I need to get drunk tonight'.
boy, have they all grown up.
Quote of the day: If you're fat I would have told you already.
and i really have to stop blogging right after these things.
so uncool.
Monday, April 09, 2007
yo man.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
a reallyreallyreallyreally good movie.
really old but still really good.
jane goodall. another good movie.
james bond. stupid.
letters from iwo jima.no one wants to watch it with me.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
I'm freezing. My fingernails have turned an awful shade of purple.
and not to worry.
ciggies are a big nono for me.
spoken too soon?
me and my sense of humour : /
Band of the Week: Oasis
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Best I Ever Had.
and i decided to blog about it.
i went swimming.i've got sea legs now.
i can now do the jellyfish dance for you all to see.
i'm lame.will stop here.
back to OHSOFUN! business law.
oooh.oooh.mee goreng from that dood in Asia Cafe!OOOOH!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
funny huh?
its funny how clarynchong and i, through thick and thin, stuck by each other's side in cf.
its funny how windylindy and i still get excited and go lindy: eejen!!, me:windy lindy!! everytime we see each other online.
its funny how MitheleTheh, Rafah and I have bonded over pushi and nando's.
its stupendous really, how Rah Rah and I have become such good friends over the past year.
its weird that i've started hanging out with people whom I've never spoke to or even seen around in Taylor's.
oh not to forget, the 'air-guitar' times in 5SB. and the only song v-squared could perform was That Thing You Do by The Wonders, much to the delight of our fellow classmates!heeee.
DIDI!I miss you 'mummy'! we must perform 'our' song at fatty's wedding k!
denise-y!juey! you guys are weird yo. To more picture taking in the back seat of Denise-y big fat white estima!
but first and foremost, thank You, for being the bestest friend anyone could ever have.
Happy Bestfriend's Day. Well, according to MitheleTheh anyway.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
i've been tagged!
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own, 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!
i'm perfectly normal.
and being perfectly normal = i'm really actually perfectly weird.
1) i still have my baby pillow (it is however, not the one i had since i was a baby.long story.) pilsy is its name!
2) i pinch people when i'm nervous/cold/not to happy with someone. fatty can be a testament of that.
oh but come to think of it, i gave her bruises because she was being mean to me back in school. so she deserved it. heee.
well, at least i don't go around twisting people's ears.
3) i've watched drumline.10 things i hate about you. sister act 2. school of rock. a couple of million times.and counting.
4) windy lindy had to remind me. i've got acorrding to her, 'weird' nicknames for my friends.
fine, i agree.but only partially. i can't call vee vien, vee vien anymore. i call her fatty. i can't call lindy, lindy anymore. i call her windy lindy. i don't call michele, michele anymore. she goes by the name of MITHELE THEH! now.
yes you must, include the exclamation mark! and the list goes on.and they're really not that weird, k!
5) since i'm talking to windy lindy right now, she's going to help me complete the whole thing. she says i'm really forgetful. i do have short term memory! it does scare and annoy me at times!
6) i come up with really stupid/lame phrases all the time.i can't help it!hungee.chold.cheesy.
i'm an embarassment to the english speaking community.
now how cool is that? (phrase of the week,or rather month, or rather till when i get sick of saying it.)teehee.
i'm not bothered to think of who to tag. so all of you are off the hook!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
stealth fighters.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Flavour of the Week.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Longing for Your embrace.
stumbled.but getting back on my two feet again.
with a little help of course.
: )
now, how cool is that?
so looking back at my old posts,
all words, no substance.
time for change.
or maybe its just the 'emo' me speaking.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
ber-emoing 'kat' tepi jalan.
taking back what i said earlier.
bring on the heat.
poor vicksies.bearing the grunt of my 'frustration' with the nail biting. bone freezing wind.
justin is really of no use. stick thin. tsk.
i really need meatier friends.

no really it was.
guess what came in the mail a few days back?!!

notice that the finger has been strategically placed to prevent psycho people from tracking me down? heh.
so excited i was!

no turning back.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
the dimbulb in me.
i kept on going ohshoots.ohshoots.diediedie.
i was fiddling with my timetable you see, which was already purrrfeecct. right to the t.
(cept' for business law which only ends at 5 on fridays)
yes, so while i was messing around with it, there was this time table clash thing.so i thought i'll move it temporarily to a slot on tuesday at 8 in the morning.
for some reason, when i tried reverting back to my original schedule, it wouldn't!so i ended up with an 8a.m intro micro tutorial on tuesday mornings. and my next class was only at 12!
so i started muttering undering my breath.stomping my feet all over the apartment wanting to tear my hair out.
all other classes were full.cept' for the one on tuesday morning.
so i prayed.and prayed. and prayed really hard for a miracle to happen.
and guess what? it did!
so instead of drowning my sorrows in potato chips right now, I'm blogging!
so i sent out an email to all intro micro students, asking for a tutorial swap with the help of fatty tan.
few hours later, i got a text!from this reallyreallyreally nice/friendly aussie who had just bought a cow for her farm back in 'country' Victoria last weekend) who agreed to switch tutorials with me!
yes, so now, i'm back to my original timetable!
see how great God is!
so, how many people you know owns a pet cow?
now, how cool is that?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
and yes, i'm horribly sorry for my horrendous use of the national language.
you should see the amount of blisters that have developed on my feet.
i've not walked so much in my entire life.
no more physical activity for me for the rest of the week!
ooh!!!we won! we won! we won melb. u's version of the amazing race!
limped back home with a 30 dollar coles voucher in hand!
now, how cool is that?
: /
now, Howard or Rudd?
Friday, February 23, 2007
Nice Day- Stereophonics.
I now have a subscription to The Age for the whole year for a mere 20.
I have just finished half a tuna sandwich, and a bowl of curry, and i am now sitting in front of the mac blogging.
and the mac isn't even mine. tsk.
ohh!!so the sister came back bearing gifts for me!
first there was the entire season of square pegs 2!then there was my new Bible from mummy :p, then there was the news that daddy banked in all my angpau money : / then there were more stationery! and finally, my econs notes!
which rah rah had to come all the way from klang to drop it off at my place!
you all have a good day wherever you are!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
what made my day.
its freezing here.
its 38 out and i feel like doing is snuggling under my pink sheets.
*yea right.
so a gong xi fa cai to all!
you all have fun with your reunion dinners. chinese new year lunch. house-hopping. lion dances. angpau collecting.the works.
while i sit in front of the mac and watch america's next top model the entire afternoon silently hoping that it'll turn -5 soon.
back to the point.
celebrated the new year's eve at crown. with so-so lion dances and really loud eardrum bursting traditional chinese fireworks. oh and not forgetting the 9 something fireworks show the sister and i watched from our bedroom window.
the sister cooked.we had vege. prawns. and oh we 'ta-paued' glorious 'siew yok'.
dinner was once again in front of the lappie watching antm season 7.
so happening right?
yes, so back to the point again.
while walking towards crown, this taxi driver dood wound down his window, and on a street full of people, he shouted a HAPPY NEW YEAR to us,the two stooges.
yes, so that made my day.
small thing like that make me go on an all-time high.
so, say NO to drugs.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
From an office block in Chatham.
i really like.
heeeeeeeeeee :)
so i'm thinking of getting a bike.
a bicycle.not a 'vroom-vroom' bike mind you.
so cool i tell you.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
sucking it in.
windy lindy had to remind me : /
fine, i'll be back in November. but it's a long time from now.
(nownow, don't use that time flies phrase with me. I'm not in the mood.)
I never thought leaving would be so hard.
Fine. I'll get over it. now.
the past few nights have been filled with festivities. dinners with the relatives. meeting up with the friends. (people like Mithele Cheh whom I won't be seeing till 2011)
why larh do you have to go all the way to the other side of planet earth? Kangaroo land not good enough for you larh? tsk. : / you make sure i'll be welcomed in your house on cold wintry nights when i come visit oks doks?
Then i'll forgive you.
and then there's the other one. she goes by the name of farah. farah phat(after her middle name.cool eh?haha.) i call her. if things go as planned, she'll be flying the Union Jack by September this year.how now I ask you? i'm telling you Rafah, Kangaroo land will offer you double the fun than those stiff-necked bobbies guarding the Buckingham will. what with me there. heeeee.
next update: from the living room of the pyscho sisters' place. teehee.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
what if.
not wanting to be forgotten.not wanting to forget.
it's going to be hard.
2nd post in a day.
my days are numbered.
hello blog.
my absence can be explained. was busy stuffing myself silly in the highlands a few days back.
food tastes so much better up there.
we went for walks. upupup to the highland's highest point.
then the family went to the boh sg. palas tea plantation. and had so-so chocolate cake and s0-s0 tea.
nice trip. i like. so when are we going back there again?
met up with the chaichai and the lindy today. me going to miss those two :(
oh boohoo. no chinese new year for me this year.
and a happy 18th birthday to you donkey gaya.
oh and vicksies, you have a safe trip there. will see you soon.
and amanda lim, if you do read this. do have fun in adelaide! do take care and God bless!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
boredom kills.
An hour does not pass without me stuffing something into my mouth.
The consequence(s) of eating way too much durian:-
1. Stinky durian breath
2. A horrible stinging sensation deep in my throat
Watched School of Rock for the i-dunno-what-millionth time.
Had yummy shepherd's pie. Thanks to you know who.
There really isn't anything interesting to blog about these days a s you can tell.
I feel like having Japanese.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's kind of sad really-Ginger.
i know i'm leaving for the land down under, and it really is no big deal 'cause every tom, dick and harry will be heading there anyway.
but i really am going to miss all my friends. Secondary schoolmates, whom i do not want to list out here, in the event of me missing out a few names here and there, and of course the not so new college friends, and last but not least the family.
the sri amanians.(peiJ is missing)
These are among the people whom i really have to meet up with when i'm back here for the holidays.
This reminds me.di, cassie, cla, fatty and I and i'm really sorry if i missed anyone out,but we have this written promise thing,where on a certain predetermined date (which I have conveniently forgot), in the year 2015, regardless, all of us are suppose to meet up in front of Sri Aman's school gates. boyfriends/husbands/children in tow.
We came up with this during a boring Moral lesson in Form 5.
Though I may not be very close to all of them, i guess there's this bond between us.i've never really been part of the above pictured gang, yet it feels great to be able to meet up and to catch up with them once in a while.
I want us all to still be able to meet up, at least once a year, 50 years down the road.
wishful thinking perhaps?
Friday, January 19, 2007
thank you.
i'm failing miserably at guitar-tuning.
oh i'm so depressed.
went back for cf today!it was really great to be able to meet up with the juniors again.
it lifted my spirits up a whole lot when we played this game, where we had to go around writing out compliments for each other on a piece of paper stuck behind our backs.
it made me feel special : )
thank you all for reminding me of how much fun i used to have in cf.
have a great year ahead of you and continue to press on.
I really doubt any of them would every come across this.but who know's.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
stinky pits.
Mithele Cheh and I are registering for the Perdana Global Peace Organisation's Expose on War Crimes!
can't wait.
check out www.perdana4peace.org for more details.
a public service reminder:
please ensure that you're decent smelling when entering any mode or form of public transport, or even when you're at places frequented by members of the public to help maintain the sanity of those who 'smell good'.
watch out. or lawsuits may be filed against you.
if people can sue McDonald's and even tobacco companies for not putting warning labels on their food, when obviously if taken excessively will cause great damage to one's health, I'm quite sure sooner or later, someone will be brought to court for causing a poor soul to have a fainting spell in the middle of a crowded train.
people and their body odour. so inconsiderate i tell you.
i really do have to stop blogging about such trivial matters.
p.s.as if larh i've never been foul-smelling before : /
Monday, January 08, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
So long,farewell.
i wrote this about 5 days back.never got to put it up. its the procrastinator in me i tell you!
and yes, not forgetting the wonky internet connection.
The best Christmas gift that one can ever receive is for someone to accept Christ.
Yes, so i didn't find out until a week later. but yes, Christmas is suppose to last for 14 days anyway, not 12,but 14, or so Mithele Cheh says : /
My new year's resolution.
So for 2007, no more doing everything/anything on my own strength.
No more mememememe.[ Will try]
2006 was so-so.Am quite dissapointed with myself really.
Note to self:
Material wealth will only bring about temporary satisfaction.
These things, they don't last. A month or two maybe, then you'll start wanting more.
I've found the greatest gift that anyone could ever give.
You will have no idea, until you've experienced it for yourself.
It really is better than getting 'high' on drugs.
Not that I have tried any for that matter.
It really is better than having the latest mobile phone in your hands. You know the one you've been waiting patiently for, for almost half a year now.
Hence the song,