Wednesday, May 31, 2006
1) eaten to my heart's content.
from grandmama's good ol' porridge with yau char kwai and salted eggs to coffee with crackers.
2) read tan vee vien's long overdue book.
John Grisham.The Last Juror.hmm.i feel intelligent and intellectual all of a sudden.
3) slept
i've spent at least 7 out of my 9 hours on a rocking chair in my grandma's house sitting in front of the tv, listening to the radio, and reading fatty's book all at the same time.
to repay my grandma and aunty's generosity (all the feeding hasn't done any good to the size of my already overgrown thighs) i've decided to do some baking on friday.
anyone who wants a piece of what i'm baking, feel free to text me. i'll save some for you.aheh.
Monday, May 29, 2006
oh boohoo.
31/5 : a day with grandma.
1/6 : lindy. rAh Rah. klcc.
2/6 : at home.baking.hopefully.
4/6 : a day out with 'the parents'.
5/6 : plan-less.
6/6 : plan-less.
7/6 : plan-less.
8/6 : wen fei.miss her loads!pyramid?maybe.
9/6 :
10/6 : another day out with 'the parents'
11/6 : do not disturb day.eejeRn will be dreading the day she goes back to stay away.she'll bite. when and where will the studying fit in?hmm.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
seafood.bangles.oneutama.forever21.waffles. intheshapeofatriangle mind you! lindy's.
quote of the week: 'if i had known that this would have happened. I would have worn an eye- patch' Jasin Mohd.Said Yusof (the MP of Jasin). of logs.and closing an eye.
ooh.and i've finally found the RM 500 each coloured fibreglass balls. at the Taman Jaya park!!
rolling towards city status it seems.ha.ha.
i want to watch xmen 3!!i want i want i want!
i've decided to embark on a book-reading marathon. to improve my fast deteriorating command of 'england'.
The Color of Water: a black man's tribute to his white mother. by frank mcbride.
Complex and moving..suffused with issues of race, religion and identity...-the New York Times Book Review.
a certain someone really got on my nerves the other day. but i've learnt to ignore him/her. what he/she says.what he/she really doesn't matter anymore.i've moved on.
'Talk to the hand'. as quoted by rAh Rah.
Regarding the admission of more Malaysian students into international schools.
hhmm.why the sudden change of mind? i mean like hullo. allowing more Malaysians to enrol in international schools only prove further the point that the Malaysian education system is 'inthedumps'.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
after spending most of her 17 and half years living as a hermit, she decided to venture out of her
thank goodness there were no wolves prowling around looking for innocent little red riding hoods or else she would have been chopped liver by now.hmm. this particular red riding hood should be glad she got back home alive. in one piece.
today, little red riding hood a.k.a eejeRn decided to walk to the back of her house to get lunch.or else tum tum would have been deprived of food.tsk.and she's not so heartless as to allow such a thing to happen. and she's only walked to the back alone.hmm.let's see. only 8 times. and she's been living here in ss2 for the past 17+ about being a brat larh.tsk.
so here i am. to tell my story. i'm much more of an experienced person now. no more the 5 year old i was an hour ago. i'm more like 10 now.after walking through those back alleys. i'm prepared for the worst. not.
As a dutiful Malaysian, i just had to put this picture up for those who don't read the papers.
Picture courtesy of the Star.
This is how kei po Malaysians are. can't you leave the guy (the 28 year old suspect who is also the boy's close relative in the kidnap-murder-dump his body case) in peace arrh?aiyoo.
and my heart goes out to the family who lost their 7 year old brother/son/cousin(the boy in the pic.) to some seriously whacked up relative of theirs.
Monday, May 22, 2006
farah faiz is leaving.
why farah?why??!!
i'm going to miss you.
who's going to go sushi-ing with farah.eejern.mithele.
the weirdo at swensens won't have anyone to stare at anymore.
farah's phat's not going to have much of a social life without you.
larh farah.i'm depressed. even more so after reading your blog.pfft.'re going to be way over there.while i'll be way over here.
oh well. i'm going to miss the times where we fight over who gets to sit in front with farah phat.
we have to go sushi-ing one last time before you go.friday.the 9th of june.
i haven't got a picture of the two of us. so that's another thing to do before you leave.
ok fine farah,its not as if you're dead or're only a 45 minute drive from us.
Friday, May 19, 2006
China vs. India
p.s. my xanga account expired.hehe.
and thank you for the good luck wish yoorrrsshheeee.will get you a lolly one of these deserve one.hehe.
i've been meaning to write/blog about this for a very long time.6 days to be exact. now it has lost its 'oh so funny' factor.hmph.
May 13 repeats itself. err.not really.haha.
it all happened at neera's party. on the night of 'gasp' the anniversary of the dreaded/ horrifying incident. except, now its between the chinese and the indians. lol.
Disclaimer:notice my lol's and haha's. may 13 did not repeat itself.and hopefully it will never happen again.*crosses fingers*.
Leng - I'm China's president. Thaksin is my friend.
me - so what? Thaksin's no more.
so i overthrew her government and became the president of China for the rest of the was good while it lasted.aheh.
Neera - Babu. Lefta. Atter.(is that how you spell it?)lol.
Min- The Javanese. Or Indonesian. Or something. Or was she the Genevian?? oh,but whatever it is she failed as the mediator between the two countries.
Reg - You guys will end up beating each other up by the end of the night. (hmm. i don't think it happened. but i did leave early .so who knows what happened after 'ms.oh so important president' left)
India beat China flat the 'joke-telling' competition.chern and her dumb blonde jokes.haha. Chern. you dissapointed me.tsk.
i like these parties. Neera should keep having them. Jasin.logs.normal?haha.
oh.everyone's leaving/left. drill, no more genki during my holidays?pfft. i'm going to miss them.
and joey's finally starting college.go her.
p.s.s. i termakan nuggets during neera's party.i forgot i i'm not suppose to eat nuggets anymore.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
a 'i wish i was there' moment.
hmph.i wish i went!!they had kelantanese food.and i was stuck at home eating kfc.all by myself. in front of the tv.watching jamie's school dinners. eep.i'm not eating nuggets.ever again. intestines.fats. every unwanted/unedible chicken body part is in your nugget. oh.but i'm not swearing off junk food/fast food completely.cannot larh. i have to have fast food at least one in 2 weeks. maybe that's why i don't have any blood inside of me.all i have are fats.eek. inside joke.aheh. from this text message i got from su.shi. ha.ha.
regrets.what could have been.or what should have been.sigh.i'm stupid.i know. scholarships.pfft.
Rah Rah (Sarah) -Petronas.
Suga - JPA.
Farah Faiz-lets just hope they don't send you to indonesia to do medicine.haha.
remind me to grab/make use of every opputurnity i have. hmm.
anyway.moving on.i quite like reunions. from 5sb class reunions which happen way too much. to my parents' old school mates/colleagues reunions. hehe. the things they use to do.haha.
to my sisters'(i laff you.haha.) :daddee might be going to hong kong in june.on the day i start college after my 2 week break.hmph.and i don't get to go.although he did suggest that i go a few days earlier.hehehehe. but the 'oh joy' moment didn't last long. sigh. being the kind and understanding soul that i am.*clears throat*i said no thank you. so stupid i know.but sigh. if i go it'll be during the school holidays.and the airfare will be sky high. so i passed. sigh. mum wants to go. but she wants to stay behind to keep an eye on me.haha.i know how to take care of myself!i'm 18 !i can drive! so go!
sophie's leaving on the 4th of june for the land where every other Malaysian is.sob.i'm going to miss her.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. i'msorryididn'tgetyouanything.i don't believe in this commercialism thing.(or more like i'm flat broke) but you know i love you.aheh. i'm not very good at expressing myself i'm sorry if you only get a hug on Sunday.if only you read my blog. <3
i'm going jogging tomorrow morning.time to get rid of the rubbish in my system.whoopee.fat larh.
goodnight.good morning.good afternoon.and thank you for reading.
p.s. time to compile a what i want list.
p.s.s.time to get back to spec math.i don't want to fail. eek.the horror.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
cash strapped.
and we have waayyy to many class reunions. 5sb class reunion it seems. where there is only every excuse to use last year's leftover class money huh? and no farah,we're not going to use any of it to fund our trips to sushi king, swensen's or nando's you hear me. the rest are so not going to be happy when they hear of your plan.tsk. 5sbians out there.what should with do with the 6o dollars left from last year's class fund?should i use the money to pay for the bill are going to chalk up eating tomorrow?or should i donate it to charity.its your call.ha.ha.
the things i do when i'm bored.draw. doodle. whichever.
but anyhoo.this is jen's not-so intellectual property.

now you all know i can't draw for nuts.
sushi tomorrow.i like.
please the ex-class monitor of 5sb. i won't do such an unethical thing.i'm not so fat hope farah of me using the 60 bucks to pay for our sushi tomorrow.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
funding stupidity.
we pay you to keep our drains clean.we pay you to provide us with better facilities/amenities.bla.BUT WE CERTAINLY ARE NOT PAYING FOR YOU TO HAVE A 7.5 MILLION DOLLARS PARTY!
rolling towards city status it seems.hmpph.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
11.55 a.m.
hooboy.this is what you call self-humiliation. the things you do for
i look so weird in the picture.

You're finally 18!wheee!
but still no drinking,smoking or any of that sort.Got that?
urgh.i hate to say this.but you know i love you!!EEYERH.haha.
God Bless!!
the top 3 things to do when you're at nando's subang parade.
3.farah:err. me:having the time of my life.